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Get info on suricata using JSON stats data

by Eric Leblond | Jan 07, 2016 | Suricata

Suricata stats in EVE JSON format

Suricata 3.0 will come with a lot of improvements on the output side. One of them is the ability to output Suricata internal statistics in the EVE JSON format.

Stats event in EVE JSON format

This functionality is already used by scirius to display statistics graphs of the Suricata running in SELKS, Amsterdam or Stamus Networks' appliances:

Stats in scirius

This statistic sometimes help to visualize the impact of configuration change. For example, in the next screenshot the generic receive offloading on the capture interface has been disable at 23:33:

Impact of iface offloading

Impact is cristal clear as the counter of invalid decoding did stop increasing.

Using Kibana Timelion plugin

Amsterdam came with Kibana 4 and the Timelion plugin is preinstalled. Timelion is a plugin providing a new interface and language to graph timeline.

As Suricata stats data are fed into Elasticsearch, we can use it to graph Suricata performance data.

For example to graph DNS and HTTP memory usage, one can use the following syntax:

.es(metric='avg:stats.dns.memuse').label('DNS') .es(metric='avg:stats.http.memuse').label('HTTP')

Result is the following graph:
Screenshot from 2016-01-07 11-01-48

If you have a counter and want to graph rate, then you can use:

.es(metric='avg:stats.capture.kernel_packets').derivative().label('PPS') .es(metric='avg:stats.capture.kernel_drops').derivative().label('Drops')

And you get the following graph:

Screenshot from 2016-01-07 10-59-01

One interesting thing with Timelion is that you can use Lucene query to get a count of something really easily. For example to get a view on the rate of different event type, one can use:

.es(q='event_type:http') .es(q='event_type:tls') .es(q='event_type:dns')

Rate of different event types

Both method can be mixed so, if you have different probes (let's say probe-1 and probe-2) you can do something like:

.es(q='host.raw:"probe-1"', metric='avg:stats.dns.memuse').label('Probe-1 DNS') .es(q='host.raw:"probe-2"', metric='avg:stats.dns.memuse').label('Probe-2 DNS')


The new Suricata statistic output is really improving the information we can use when doing performance analysis. Combined with timelion, we get a really easy and powerful solution. If you want to give a try to all these technologies one of the easiest way is to use Amsterdam which comes with latest Suricata and a pre installed timelion.

Eric Leblond

Éric Leblond is the co-founder and chief technology officer (CTO) at Stamus Networks. He sits on the board of directors at Open Network Security Foundation (OISF). Éric has more than 15 years of experience as co-founder and technologist of cybersecurity software companies and is an active member of the security and open-source communities. He has worked on the development of Suricata – the open-source network threat detection engine – since 2009 and is part of the Netfilter Core team, responsible for the Linux kernel's firewall layer. Eric is a respected expert and speaker on all things network security. Éric resides in Escalles, France.

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