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2022 Wrapped

by Ken Gramley | Dec 13, 2022 | Stamus News

2022 is coming to an end, and as we wrap up another great year at Stamus Networks I wanted to take the time to reflect on all that we have accomplished. It has been a big year for us, yet we have only scratched the surface of what we expect to accomplish in 2023.

Let’s begin by reviewing some of the major changes and improvements we have made to the Stamus Security Platform (SSP). We work continuously to provide the most useful network-based threat detection possible. In the last year we introduced a number of new capabilities in our product and helpful resources for our customers. Here are a few examples:

In 2022, we participated in numerous events around the world. Most notably:

  • Black Hat Europe 2022 in London
  • Suricon 2022 in Athens
  • Black Hat 2022 USA in Las Vegas, NV
  • The International Cyber Security Forum in France
  • Botconf 2022 in France
  • The Cyber Security Summit in Atlanta, GA, Tampa, FL, and Denver, CO
  • RSA Conference 2022 in San Francisco, CA

I am especially proud of our continued partnership with the NATO CCDCOE’s annual Locked Shields and Crossed Swords exercises. These events are the world’s largest live-fire cybersecurity exercises where red and blue teams from over 30 countries come together to practice and compete in real-time network defense exercises. In this year's Crossed Swords exercise the Stamus team identified 60% of all the yellow team findings. With SSP, the two participants from Stamus Networks exceeded the output of the other NATO volunteers combined.

We are currently finalizing our event schedule for 2023, and we cannot wait to see you at next year’s industry conferences across the globe.

While all of these are a few of the noteworthy accomplishments from the last year, perhaps our biggest achievement of all is the recent release of our living open-source book, “The Security Analyst’s Guide to Suricata” written by Stamus Networks co-founders Peter Manev and Eric Leblond. This practical guide to threat detection and hunting using Suricata was a great success at Suricon 2022 in Athens and continues to gain traction in the open-source and Suricata communities. Electronic copies of the book are free, and you can download it here.

We have some exciting changes in store for the Stamus Security Platform. You will be notified as soon as they become available. I don’t want to give away too much yet, but be on the lookout for significant updates in the SSP user interface and some expansion to the platform’s machine learning and AI capabilities.

None of these achievements would have been possible without the team that makes up Stamus Networks. Our company has grown too, now employing team members in 8 different countries around the world. Having a globally dispersed team is only natural as our customers reside in a dozens different countries. We expect even greater growth in both the Stamus Networks team and our customer base in the coming year.

Finally, I must share the most important thank you of all. Nothing we achieved in 2022 — and nothing we plan to achieve in 2023 — would be possible if it weren’t for the loyalty and support of our customers. Many of our valued relationships have started from the ground up, with employees advocating for the use of Stamus Networks within their organization. To those individuals — and everyone else who considers themselves to be a fan of Stamus Networks — we are incredibly grateful.

We love to celebrate the defenders. Without them, there is no Stamus Networks. Thank you to the defenders of the world, who work every single day to keep their organizations and the people they serve safe. And a special thank you to all who choose to use Stamus Security Platform to make it happen.

We hope you’ve all had a successful year, and we wish you the best in the year to come.

Ken Gramley

Ken is chief executive officer at Stamus Networks. He has over 20 years of experience in building and leading high-tech companies. He has served as a top executive at several technology, network and security organizations, including as CEO of Emerging Threats and co-founder and VP of Engineering at both Covelight Systems and Hatteras Networks. Ken resides in North Carolina, USA.

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