Stamus Networks Blog

We believe that sharing information is necessary to improve global security. The purpose of this blog is to share our experiences, perspectives and experiments.

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Dramatically Reduce MTTD & MTTR: 2 Clicks to Evidence with Clear NDR™

This blog post details how Clear NDR drastically reduces Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: Lateral Active Exploits

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Stamus Security Platform: DarkGate Malware as a Service (MaaS)

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Stamus Security Platform: High Entropy Domain Connections

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Stamus Security Platform: Tapped on the Shoulder

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: Raiz0WorM

In this series of articles we share hands-on experience from active hunts in the real world. We...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: Spyware Missed by EDR

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: Danger in the Datacenter

When the blue team needs to mount a network defense, they must answer some very common questions:

  • ...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: User Agents Tell the Story

Clear NDRTM helps bank identify threat to its accounting network

With the help of the Clear NDR, ...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: Shadow IT

In this series of articles, we explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in real-world...

Uncovered with Clear NDR: MoDi RAT

In this series of articles, we will explore a set of use cases that we have encountered in...