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Welcome to Blue Team Diaries

Blue Team Diaries is a video and audio podcast from Stamus Networks that celebrates defenders by giving them a platform to tell their stories. Blue Team Diaries is focused on honoring the work of those who work to defend their organizations and build tools for defenders.

In each episode, host Peter Manev holds casual conversations with an industry-leading guest.

Here's a glimpse into the Blue Team Diaries:

  • Hear how one guest responded to a cyber security emergency.
  • Listen as one guest shares his perspective of an MSSP working to improve its clients' defenses.
  • Peek behind the scenes to uncover challenges faced by a guest while organizing a multi-national cyber security exercise?
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Listen to individual episodes

Each episode is an interview-style conversation between the host and one guest. Blue Team Diaries episodes are light-hearted, unscripted, engaging and short.


Episode 016 - Howard Smith & Liam Moran

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Episode 015 - Tony Wilson

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Episode 014 - TJ Nelson

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Brent Deterding_Banner

Episode 013 - Bret Deterding

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Danny Quist - 1200x675_With Headshot

Episode 012 - Danny Quist

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Episode 011 - Josh Stroschein

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Episode 010 - Michael DiLalla

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Xavier Ashe

Episode 009 - Xavier Ashe

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Episode 008 - Yorkvik Jacqmin

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Ryan Irving - Paving the Path for Students in CyberSecurity

Episode 007 - Ryan Irving

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Blue Team Diaries - Robert Haist

Episode 006 - Robert Haist

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BLue Team Diaries - Erik Vanderhasselt 1200x675_With Headshot

Episode 005 - Erik Vanderhasselt

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Episode 004 - Jeremy MountainJohnson

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Episode 003 - Carry Kangur

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Episode 002 - Joost Bijl

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Episode 001 - Diana Kelley

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Discover Blue Team Diaries on your favorite platform

The audio and video versions of the show are available on the following platforms:


Apple Podcast


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Google Podcast


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