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Listen to Episode - 014 - TJ Nelson



Meet TJ Nelson

LLMs in Action: Real-World Applications for Cybersecurity


In this episode, we delve into the exciting world of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their growing impact on cybersecurity. Our expert guest, TJ Nelson, sheds light on how these powerful AI tools are being used to tackle real-world security challenges.

You'll learn how LLMs are revolutionizing threat detection by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies that might escape traditional methods. We also explore how LLMs are assisting with data summarization and analysis, freeing up security professionals' valuable time for more strategic tasks.

The conversation doesn't shy away from the challenges either. We'll discuss the importance of using LLMs responsibly and with proper guidance to avoid potential inaccuracies or misleading information.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of cybersecurity and how AI is transforming the way we protect our data and systems. You'll gain a deeper understanding of:


  • The specific applications of LLMs in threat detection, data analysis, and other security tasks.
  • The benefits and limitations of using AI in cybersecurity.
  • How security professionals can leverage LLMs to enhance their effectiveness.
  • The importance of human expertise and critical thinking alongside AI technology.


Tune in and discover how LLMs are becoming a game-changer in the fight against cybercrime!



Tj Nel is the Director of ARMOR for the Insikt Group at Recorded Future, overseeing multiple teams of researchers and analysts who provide technical analysis across Advanced Reversing, Malware, Operations, and Reconnaissance. Before Recorded Future, he worked as the Director of Detection Research at SecureWorks, leading teams responsible for technical analysis and development of detection content for various security products. He has experience in malware research and incident response and has held various positions at CYDERES and Arbor Networks. Tj organizes his local Security BSides conference and leads a local information security group. In addition to numerous industry certifications, Tj is currently pursuing his Ph.D.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tjnel/


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