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Together we have developed two solutions that will unlock new NDR capabilities for existing Array Networks customers as well as new opportunities for organizations that couldn’t previously justify the cost in some ultra-high throughput applications. 

The two joint solutions are:


If you’re interested in learning more about the Array Networks and Stamus Networks solution, fill out the form to request a demo.


“As cybercriminals continue their relentless assault on organizations, leaving the encryption dilemma unresolved introduces tremendous risk. While we’ve developed very effective capabilities to identify threats in encrypted communications, some organizations still require complete visibility into all communications.  The combination of the Stamus Security Platform and the Array SSL Intercept offers a powerful solution to a historically difficult problem and provides enterprise security teams with unprecedented visibility into threats.”

– Ken Gramley, CEO of Stamus Networks

Overcoming Encryption’s Double-Edged Sword

Although it plays an essential role in safeguarding information and ensuring data privacy, SSL/TLS encryption can be a double-edged sword for companies because it also masks traffic from network defenders. This can prohibit them from detecting malware, data breaches, and other malicious activity and responding quickly before damage is done. Knowing this, cybercriminals have become increasingly adept at hiding threats under the cloak of SSL/TLS encryption.

 Array SSLi and SSP

Stamus Networks and Array Networks help organizations overcome this challenge and ensure they don’t have to choose between securing data or making the job of network defenders easier. The Array SSL Intercept acts as a secure proxy that can decrypt SSL/TLS traffic and then send the data to the Stamus Security Platform for inspection. The Stamus Security Platform delivers actionable network visibility and multi-layered threat detection to security teams, and then the Array SSL Intercept re-encrypts the traffic before it’s forwarded to its destination.

Solution Highlights

  • Monitor encrypted traffic payload for improved threat detection and response

  • Response-ready and high-fidelity detection

  • Extensive incident context and evidence

  • Decrypts across all TCP ports up to 200 Gbps

  • Automatically adjusts the cipher suite selection

Solution Benefits

  • Deep visibility into all network traffic

  • Uncover weak attack signals

  • Eliminate alert fatigue 

  • Accelerate incident response

  • Leverage rich network telemetry for central AI analytics

  • Maintain integrity of privacy and compliance initiatives


Network Traffic Optimization and Aggregation

In very high speed and distributed networks, such as those in large data centers and telecom operator networks, deploying NDR has posed significant cost and complexity challenges for organizations seeking to adopt this essential security technology. However, the combination of the Array Network Traffic Broker and the Stamus Security Platform simplifies the process, making NDR deployments more accessible and cost-effective in these demanding environments.

Array NTB and SSP Aggregation

The Array Network Traffic Broker serves as an intelligent traffic management layer, capturing, aggregating, and filtering network traffic from various sources. It intelligently directs traffic to the Stamus Security Platform, ensuring optimal utilization of its threat detection capabilities. Specifically, this enables:

Intelligent Traffic Optimization: 

The Array Network Traffic Broker aggregates and filters high traffic volumes from various network segments, including data centers, branch offices, and cloud environments. It then delivers this optimized traffic to the Stamus Security Platform, which analyzes it for signs of malicious activity. 

Intelligent Traffic Aggregation: 

The Array Network Traffic Broker aggregates traffic from multiple network segments into a single Stamus Network Probe, optimizing NDR deployments and making them manageable and affordable for companies of all sizes.

Solution Highlights

  • Filter traffic to monitor only high value packets

  • Aggregate from multiple network taps to single probe 

  • Response-ready and high-fidelity detection

  • Extensive incident context and evidence

  • Traffic optimization at speeds up to 2 Tbps

Solution Benefits

  • Enhanced visibility into network traffic

  • Improved threat detection

  • Uncover weak attack signals

  • Eliminate alert fatigue 

  • Accelerate incident response

  • Leverage rich network telemetry for central AI analytics

  • Reduce costs and improve scalability


Additional reading ...


Joint Solution Brief | Array SSLi and Stamus Security Platform

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Joint Solution Brief | Array NTB and Stamus Security Platform

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Data Sheet |  Introduction to Stamus Security Platform

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