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The Week in Review from Stamus Labs

Welcome to the weekly threat detection update report from Stamus Networks. Each week, you will receive this email with a summary of the updates.


Current Stamus Threat Intelligence (STI) release version: 987


This week, in addition to daily ruleset and IOC updates, we provided Stamus Security Platform customers with the following improved defense(s):

  • New threat detection(s) added [1]: 3 (Elusive Stealer, PyRation, Wineloader)
  • Major changes to detections(s) [2]: 288
  • Updated threat detection(s) [3]: 293


Note: a "method" as referenced below, is a discrete detection vector for a given threat.


New Threat(s) Detected

The following detections were added to your Stamus Security Platform (SSP) this past week:


Elusive Stealer (Data Theft)

Elusive is the name of an information stealer. This malware operates by extracting and exfiltrating vulnerable data from systems and installed applications. Elusive targets log-in credentials, credit card details, cryptocurrency wallets, and other sensitive information. Pcrisk

Elusive Stealer - AnyRun |

  • Total number of detection methods: 1
  • Kill chain phase(s): actions on objectives


PyRation (RAT)

The Securonix Threat Research Team has identified a new Python-based attack campaign (tracked by Securonix as PY#RATION) in the wild. The malware exhibits remote access trojan (RAT) behavior, allowing for control of and persistence on the affected host. As with other RATs, PY#RATION possesses a whole host of features and capabilities, including data exfiltration and keylogging. What makes this malware particularly unique is its utilization of websockets for both command and control (C2) communication and exfiltration as well as how it evades detection from antivirus and network security measures.


PyRation - Thehackernews |
  • Total number of detection methods: 4
  • Kill chain phase(s): command and control, installation


Major Detection Changes

The following detections were updated this past week with changes to kill chain phase(s) or MITRE ATT&CK tactic(s)/technique(s):


APT 29 (APT)

APT29 is threat group that has been attributed to the Russian government and has operated since at least 2008. This group reportedly compromised the Democratic National Committee starting in the summer of 2015. MITRE

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): actions on objectives, command and control
  • Methods added: 1



APT38 is a financially-motivated threat group that is backed by the North Korean regime. The group mainly targets banks and financial institutions and has targeted more than 16 organizations in at least 13 countries since at least 2014.

North Korean group definitions are known to have significant overlap, and the name Lazarus Group is known to encompass a broad range of activity. Some organizations use the name Lazarus Group to refer to any activity attributed to North Korea. Some organizations track North Korean clusters or groups such as Bluenoroff, APT37, and APT38 separately, while other organizations may track some activity associated with those group names by the name Lazarus Group. MITRE

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control, delivery, actions on objectives
  • Methods added: 20


Ducktail Stealer (Data Theft)

Since late 2021, samples associated with the DUCKTAIL operation were exclusively written in .NET Core and were compiled using its single file feature. This feature bundles all dependent libraries and files into a single executable, including the main assembly2. The usage of .NET Core and its single-file feature is not commonly seen in malware. WithSecure

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control, actions on objectives
  • Methods added: 13


Fake Browser (Trojan)

Attackers are utilizing hacked web sites that promote fake browser updates to infect targets with banking trojans. In some cases, post exploitation toolkits are later executed to encrypt the compromised network with ransomware.

Between May and September 2019, FireEye has conducted multiple incident response cases where enterprise customers were infected with malware through fake browser updates.

Hacked sites would display these "fakeupdates" through JavaScript alerts that state the user is using an old version of a web browser and that they should download an offered "update" to keep the browser running "smoothly and securely".


  • Added kill chain phase(s): exploitation
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): delivery, exploitation
  • Methods added: 41


Generic Loader (Loader)

Loaders, for the most part, have one job: grab malicious executables or payloads from an attacker-controlled server. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t more happening under the hood of some, such as a user-friendly UI, self-healing capabilities, or the equivalent of a retail shop where a botmaster can sell his bots to potential clients.

Loaders are essentially basic remote access Trojans that give an attacker the ability to remotely interact with and control a compromised computer, or bot. While traditionally lightweight (smaller than 50 KB in size) in order to bypass detection by antivirus and other security monitoring technology, loaders evolve, and their viability to cybercriminals remains.


  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control, delivery
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control, delivery
  • MITRE ATT&CK added: T1071
  • Methods added: 6


Generic Phishing (Phishing)

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.Typically carried out by email spoofing or instant messaging, it often directs users to enter personal information at a fake website which matches the look and feel of the legitimate site.

Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques being used to deceive users. Users are often lured by communications purporting to be from trusted parties such as social web sites, auction sites, banks, online payment processors or IT administrators.


  • Added kill chain phase(s): delivery
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): delivery
  • Methods added: 1


Keitaro (Phishing)

Cyber ​​criminals violated the law TDS (Traffic Direction System) platform Keitaro and used it to redirect them users in exploit kits RIG and Fallout in order to infect them with malicious software.

TDS platforms are designed for redirection of users in particular sites. Legitimate TDS platforms, such as Keitaro, are mainly used by individuals and companies that want to advertise services or their products. Platforms drive users to the pages that companies want, targeting specific customers and promoting an ad campaign. techbizweb

  • Added kill chain phase(s): exploitation
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): exploitation, delivery, command and control
  • Methods added: 6


Latrodectus (Loader)

Loaders, for the most part, have one job: grab malicious executables or payloads from an attacker-controlled server. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t more happening under the hood of some, such as a user-friendly UI, self-healing capabilities, or the equivalent of a retail shop where a botmaster can sell his bots to potential clients.

Loaders are essentially basic remote access Trojans that give an attacker the ability to remotely interact with and control a compromised computer, or bot. While traditionally lightweight (smaller than 50 KB in size) in order to bypass detection by antivirus and other security monitoring technology, loaders evolve, and their viability to cybercriminals remains.


  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Methods added: 6


Malvertising Domain (Phishing)

The MS-ISAC has recently observed an increase in malware that is most often disseminated through malvertising. Malvertising, or malicious advertising, is the use of online, malicious advertisements to spread malware and compromise systems. Generally this occurs through the injection of unwanted or malicious code into ads. Malicious actors then pay legitimate online advertising networks to display the infected ads on various websites, exposing every user visiting these sites to the potential risk of infection. Generally, the legitimate advertising networks and websites are not aware they are serving malicious content. CIS

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Methods added: 18


SocGholish (Social Engineering)

It leverages compromised websites and performs some of the most creative fingerprinting checks we’ve seen, before delivering its payload (NetSupport RAT). Malwarebytes

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control, exploitation, delivery, reconnaissance, actions on objectives
  • Methods added: 3


TA455 (APT)

We took action against a previously unreported hacking group from Iran that targeted or spoofed companies in multiple industries around the world. This included energy companies in Saudi Arabia, Canada, Italy, and Russia; the information technology industry in India and United Arab Emirates; the maritime logistics industry in UAE, Iceland, Norway, Saudi Arabia, US, Israel, and India; telecommunications companies in Saudi Arabia and UAE; and the semiconductor industry in Israel, US, and Germany. This activity had the hallmarks of a well-resourced and persistent operation while obfuscating who’s behind it. This group used similar TTPs to another threat actor dubbed Tortoiseshell that we reported on last year, but in this case we saw different targeting, technical infrastructure, and distinct malware. Meta

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Methods added: 137


TA4903 (APT)

An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a stealthy computer network threat actor, typically a nation state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period. In recent times, the term may also refer to non-state sponsored groups conducting large-scale targeted intrusions for specific goals.

Such threat actors' motivations are typically political or economic. To date, every major business sector has recorded instances of attacks by advanced actors with specific goals seeking to steal, spy or disrupt. These include government, defense, financial services, legal services, industrial, telecoms, consumer goods, and many more. Some groups utilize traditional espionage vectors, including social engineering, human intelligence and infiltration to gain access to a physical location to enable network attacks. The purpose of these attacks is to place custom malicious code on one or multiple computers for specific tasks.

Source: Wikipedia

  • Added kill chain phase(s): delivery
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): delivery
  • Methods added: 21


TA582 (APT)

An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a stealthy computer network threat actor, typically a nation state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period. In recent times, the term may also refer to non-state sponsored groups conducting large-scale targeted intrusions for specific goals.

Such threat actors' motivations are typically political or economic. To date, every major business sector has recorded instances of attacks by advanced actors with specific goals seeking to steal, spy or disrupt. These include government, defense, financial services, legal services, industrial, telecoms, consumer goods, and many more. Some groups utilize traditional espionage vectors, including social engineering, human intelligence and infiltration to gain access to a physical location to enable network attacks. The purpose of these attacks is to place custom malicious code on one or multiple computers for specific tasks.

Source: Wikipedia

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Methods added: 3


Trojan Agent (Trojan)

Again, the generic nature of this detection means that the Payloads performed by this group of trojans may be highly variable, and therefore difficult to describe specifically. This group of trojans has been observed to perform any, or all, of the following actions:
redirect Web traffic
- manipulate certain Windows or third-party applications including settings or configurations
- drop or install additional malicious programs
- download and run additional malicious programs
Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

  • Added kill chain phase(s): command and control
  • Previously supported kill chain phase(s): command and control, actions on objectives, delivery, installation
  • Methods added: 12


Other Threat Detection Update(s)

The following threat detection(s) were improved this past week with new or updated threat methods.


Name of threat New coverage Total coverage Last updated
  New Detection methods Kill chain phases Protocols involved Detection methods Kill chain phases Protocols involved  
APT 29 1 command and control http 207 actions on objectives, command and control dns, ftp, http, tls 2024-02-29
APT38 20 command and control tcp, dns, http, tcp-pkt, tls 291 actions on objectives, command and control, delivery dns, http, tcp, tcp-pkt, tls 2024-03-01
Ducktail Stealer 13 command and control http, dns, tls 22 actions on objectives, command and control dns, http, tls 2024-02-29
Elusive Stealer 1 actions on objectives http 1 actions on objectives http 2024-02-29
Fake Browser 41 exploitation dns, tls, http 360 delivery, exploitation dns, http, tls 2024-03-01
Generic Loader 6 command and control, delivery http 19 command and control, delivery http, tcp 2024-02-29
Generic Phishing 1 delivery http 62 delivery dns, http, tls 2024-02-29
Keitaro 6 exploitation dns, tls, http 314 command and control, delivery, exploitation dns, http, tls 2024-02-27
Latrodectus 6 command and control dns, tls, http 17 command and control dns, http, tls 2024-02-29
Malvertising Domain 18 command and control dns, tls, http 117 command and control dns, http, tls 2024-02-29
PyRation 4 command and control, installation http 4 command and control, installation http 2024-02-29
SocGholish 3 command and control dns, tls, http 908 actions on objectives, command and control, delivery, exploitation, reconnaissance dns, http, tcp, tcp-pkt, tls 2024-02-27
TA455 137 command and control dns, tls, http 427 command and control dns, http, tls 2024-03-01
TA4903 21 delivery dns, tls, http 690 delivery dns, http, tls 2024-02-29
TA582 3 command and control dns, http, tls 50 command and control dns, http, tls 2024-02-27
Trojan Agent 12 command and control dns, tls, http 470 actions on objectives, command and control, delivery, installation dns, http, ip, smtp, tcp, tcp-pkt, tcp-stream, tls, udp 2024-02-29


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